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OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories
Welcome to the fish section of OzPets. Here you will find articles of interest, breed reviews, fish products, fish breeders and clubs.
Vets say, get a dinky-di Aussie goldfish 13/05/08
What To Do With Your Fish When You Go On Holidays 21/02/08
Fishy trivia 21/02/08
Creating An Under Water World 02/10/07
Axolotl 24/03/07
How To Set-up an Aquarium - A Beginners Guide to Keeping Fish - Part 2 07/03/07
Maintaining Your Aquarium - A Beginners Guide to Keeping Fish - Part 3 06/03/07
A Beginners Guide to Keeping Fish - Part 1 06/03/07
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The heaviest living snake is a Burmese Python weighing 182.76 kg.

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

Sydney Aquarium

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories